Guillem Bosch

Guillem Bosch is an artist born in Barcelona and studied design and illustration at the art school “La Llotja”. He started spending time in studios and workshops, surrounding himself with other artists, training and working on different projects. In 2017 he starts his solo adventure. He is interested in everything that has to do with drawing, painting and design. In his works, apart from his passion for drawing, you can see an artist who lives and develops between traditional and digital illustration. Currently, Guillem works as a freelance artist for different clients from the world of music, publishing and advertising.



La Barbería del Mono. Galería Visions, Bcn

SurfCity We Are Antonyms. Centro de Arte Mutuo, Bcn

Barcelona Drawing City. Galerie de les Marais, París

Barcelona Drawing City. Transforma Barcelona, Bcn

Surfcity Movistar Fest. El Convent dels Angels, Bcn

Piel de Lija. State, Bcn

Wilde. Belaza Gallery, Bilbao (Solo exhibition)

Wilde. Galería Visions, Bcn (Solo exhibition)

No Borders. Miscelania, Bcn

Comumicación/Incomunicación. MuVim museum, València

Football. Art. Icons. In that order. Casa Seat, Bcn (Solo exhibition)

El Duende 25th anniversary. Monkey Garage, Madrid


Awards & contests:

“Everybody Knows Art Contest” curated by Posterspy. First prize. 2019

“Premis Junceda XVIII Edition” curated by APICFinalist in press and magazine category. 2020

“Communication/Incommunication” MAKMA International Poster Award. Finalist. 2021

“Hiii Illustration Awards 2022” curated by Hiiibrand. Finalist in comercial category. 2023